Seattle Public Schools


Student Records

Requesting Transcripts and Other Student Records

Former Students, Universities, and Corporations

Use the ScribOrder Online Student Records Request System to request:

  • 学生记录(成绩单,替代文凭,毕业状态或其他学生记录)或
  • A graduation verification for a former student.

Access the ScribOrder Online Student Records Request System

Attaching Documents to Requests

  • 某些组织、机构和政府机构要求提供学生记录(例如.e. most third parties unless allowed under FERPA) require a signed release of information form. Please attach the form directly to the order.
    • 毕业证明不需要签名发布信息表, since the information shared is considered directory information.
  • If a certification form 需要由正规的棋牌平台排行榜的代表完成,作为订单的一部分, 请将表格直接附在订单上,并加上“特别说明”,以表明需要填写认证.
  • 现在和以前的学生应该准备好附上政府颁发的带照片的身份证明(驾驶执照)的复印件, Passport, etc.). 带照片的身份证件需要包括学生的姓名、出生日期和照片. A digital photograph of the id is acceptable.

On the second screen, after clicking Prepare for Checkout, 通过“请附上您的放行文件”字段,您可以选择附上上述任何参考文件.

如果在提交订单之前没有附加请求者的ROI或带照片的id的副本, there are other options:

  1. Attaching documents to a ScribOrder request via the Order Tracker.
  2. 如果在订单附加文件方面有问题,请将文件发送至 and reference your ScribOrder Number.


Current Students – High School Transcript Requests

First and foremost, to support current students in their college application efforts, 在学生所在的学校(Naviance)有许多现有的资源, Common App, Staff, etc.).

Therefore, 学生应该利用学校的资源,确保将成绩单作为大学申请过程的一部分提交.

Naviance是一个应用程序,学生可以在整个学年中使用它来确定他们申请的大学. When they identify a college, 他们概述了申请该大学所需的成绩单类型(首字母), Mid-Year, Final). In Naviance, 有一个关于该大学将如何接受成绩单的指标:Via Naviance, Via CommonApp, or paper copies.

At different points in the year, 工作人员将为学生上传成绩单,并将成绩单发送到已确定的学院, 除了纸质副本外,学校将通知学生如何处理纸质副本的成绩单.

在夏季(~ 7月4日- 8月初)有一段短暂的时间窗口无法使用Naviance。, 但前提是选定了某所大学的“最终”成绩单选项, that transcript will be sent automatically – no additional action is needed from a student.


For more assistance, reach out to staff at your school.

  • 最终成绩单直到学校最后一天后大约12个工作日才可用. 每年,这个日期都是由教师工会合同规定的,所以日期会有所不同.
  • Final Transcripts do not contain Running Start Grades from Spring Quarter. If a college requires the Running Start grades from the final quarter, 学生将需要要求他们的成绩单从他们的跑步开始学院发送到需要这些成绩单的大学.
    • 通过跑步开始获得的高中学分将在第二年秋季添加到高中成绩单中.
  • 如果在Naviance或CommonApp中选择了“最终”成绩单,则大学可能会发送关于需要最终成绩单的提醒通信, please be reassured that the final transcript will be sent. No additional action needs to be taken.

If a Current Student Needs Assistance

School Staff are there to help. Staff will guide students on the use of Naviance and College Applications, supply students with paper/fax copies of transcripts as requested, 上传成绩单到Naviance和在线大学申请门户网站,以满足最后期限, etc.


  • When a college is identified in Naviance, but does not accept electronic transcripts, the school will generate a paper copy of the transcript. The school will provide the transcript to the student to mail.
  • When a college is not listed in Naviance, 学生应该与工作人员合作,确保他们得到一份成绩单的副本,以支持他们的申请.

The last resource available to current high school students 而未成年高中生的家长则要求提供其高中成绩单的官方和非官方副本 ScribOrder Online Student Records Request System.

It is important to note that ScribOrder is intended to fill gaps. In other words, 它并不打算取代像Naviance这样的学校学生可用的系统.

例如,一些大学不接受Naviance或CommonApp的成绩单. In this case, 纸质成绩单可以向学校的工作人员索取或由他们提供,或者通过ScribOrder订购成绩单可能更方便.

如果成绩单是通过Naviance或CommonApp发送的,不要通过ScribOrder订购成绩单, especially Final transcripts. Colleges may send out a reminder communication about Final Transcripts, but if ‘Final’ transcript is selected in Naviance, please be reassured that the final transcript will be sent.


How to Order via ScribOrder (Current Students)

  1. Go to the ScribOrder website
  2. On the left-hand side, click 如果您是当前学生或未满18岁学生的家长,请点击此处.
  3. Fill out all required fields. When you add a Delivery Address(es), identify the number of copies.
    • 订购两份以上的成绩单或订购两份以上的成绩单,可能会被拒绝. Please see information about Naviance.
  4. Most importantly, select the Information Type(s) Requested:
    • Official High School Transcript (sent to colleges or addresses identified)
    • Digital Copy – Official High School Transcript. 通过电子邮件发送给请求者的学生成绩单的PDF文件可以通过以下网站由文件的任何收件人进行验证:  Verify Credentials.

Reach out to if you are experiencing technical difficulties with ScribOrder.

Questions or concerns? Contact us!

DCYF and Foster Student Records

如果儿童儿童基金会的工作人员需要向正规的棋牌平台排行榜提交有关学生的文件以供我们存档 (School Notification, Court Orders, etc), 请将文件发送到学生目前的学校,并抄送记录 & Archives Dept, Alesia Jessie and Charlotte McCracken

If a DCYF Caseworker needs to submit a request for student records:

  • Please work with the student’s current school to request records.
  • If the school is on break or if the school is not responding, please reach out to the Seattle Public Schools Records & Archives Department with the request.
  • 有关学生的特殊教育记录,请发送电子邮件至特殊教育记录部 with the request.

请注意,请求必须直接来自有效的DCYF电子邮件地址,以确保请求是合法的. Encrypted emails will not be accepted or reviewed.